
  • First, I would like to point out that the game name has changed to "Precious Amulet," but that is it a working title.
  • Layout changes from original top-down layout. Refer to the screenshots above based on the number used. 
    • 1- I added a ledge that the player can't go over by just running through the water. That way, the player will have to do the jumping 'tutorial' to progress
    • 2- This hallway was really boring, so I added the balance platforming that was formerly where point 5 is to make it more engaging. It works out because I still wanted to use that idea and it's better suited here than it was at point 5.
    • 3- As stated in the feedback below, the planned boulder trap was lacking excitement when all you have to do is run away. So, I added a pit of the ball to fall in that the player needs to jump over by using the rope swing
    • 4- I initially didn't know what I wanted to do leading up to this first mechanic, which is a dash move. I wanted the player to have to work to get to the mechanic but make it to where the player would have to use the new mechanic to get back to the stairs. I used a breakable platform to do this, so the first move to return would have to be a dash. I could've made it to where it was just a rope swing to get there, but the player might just use it to get  back instead of using the new mechanic they just learned. The breakable platform forces them to do this. The player can also relish in the fact that it's easier to get back than it was to get there in the first place, making the new mechanic feel much more rewarding. 
    • 5- Originally, this area used the same sort of balancing obstacle that point 2 pulled from. However, from playtest recommendation I chose to remove this from this area and replace it with a spot where the player can practice more dashing. Before, it kinda felt out of place.
    • 6- So all of the playtesters just moved forward at this point and did not notice the opening to the right at all. I moved the walls a bit so the player can almost naturally be drawn to go that way or at least notice it. In the final game, the path going forward will be impassible, so this probably won't be much of an issue by then.
    • 7- This area was confusing for playtesters because I didn't draw out how it should be progressed. I added an object that's representative of only being able to pass through it in one direction, forcing the player to continue down that path, where they will collect a new mechanic (wall running). The player will then be taken back to where the last jump/puzzle room is and will be forced to go through it again. But, a shorter, easier path will now be accessible with the newly earned mechanic. From there, the player can get over whatever stopped the player from going backwards by using the new mechanic. 
    • 8- A playtester thought that the ending was abrupt, where you collect the amulet and win. They came up with the brilliant idea to make the ending area an escape room! Basically, the player keeps climbing in the end room after collecting the amulet in order to escape to the outside. By taking the amulet, the player starts a timer. The blue lines represent where the floor will start closing in, and they also work as checkpoints once the player passes them. Once the player does pass them, the floor immediately closes, making fall damage not be as bad/kill you instantly and keeping falling from just resetting all of your progress. However, if the player does not make it passed the floor before it closes, they die, for they are trapped forever 😳.
  • Playtest feedback:
    • because the level is so big/the fact that it's a game, add checkpoints
    • make an ending for the boulder trap that's tests the player's quicktime abilities; make it more intense than just running away
    • UI that matches the theming would be really nice
    • change out the balancing section for a dashing section to use the new mechanic more
    • playtesters really liked the scale of the level and how it was big compared to the player
    • all of the testers thought the layout of the level was good
    • that one hallway had nothing happening in it, and for as long as it was it needed something to engage the player
    • it would probably be best to remove the sprint included with the default controller
    • the default controllers are a bit floaty- they might need to be adjusted/changed
    • make a place to explain lore
    • the direction to go is confusing at the end
    • make the end goal an escape!
    • all of the testers asked if the water hurts the player- it doesn't but that means the player can just run through it. Force the player to do the jump 'tutorial' in that section while still keeping the water safe.
  • Analysis of feedback
    • Feedback I plan on addressing:
      • Changes made based on feedback can all be seen in the "Layout changes from original top-down layout" above, which reference the screen shots
      • I do like the idea of having themed UI, so I will probably try to do that
      • I do agree that the controls are floaty, and you can often go to far than you want and not be able to adjust yourself. I will try to balance the controls, and I will also remove the sprint because a) I don't want players to speed through the level and b) the jumps in the game don't consider sprinting
      • I do want to explain the lore in the beginning, maybe with subtitles of the player speaking to themselves?
    • Feedback I will not address:
      • I don't want to add checkpoints because I feel like that doesn't make the game intense enough. However, a work around I came up with is having health return to the player (which is lost from fall damage) when collecting a new mechanic. Instant-death spots, however, will probably revert the player to a checkpoint. I think the only exemption I will have to this rule is the ending escape sequence because I do not think players will play through the entire game again when they were that close to the end; I think they'd rather give up.

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